Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 23

The character I have decided that is the best option for the protagonist in this play that has an abundance of characters and plot lines is Puck.  He is a mischievous, quick witted character that sets many of the play's events in motion with his magic.  He does this pulling his deliberate on human characters by transforming Bottom's head into an ass and his unfortunate mistakes by smearing the love potion on Lysander's eyelids instead of Demetrius's. Another large reason as to why he is the protagonist is his fun-loving humor, and lovely, evocative language that set the tone of this play. This play is dominated by the exact things that his character is portrays.  He is graceful but not as graceful as the other fairies which helps him stand out.  Most people would depict a fairy as a beautiful elegant creature, Puck is not that at all which also helps him stand out.  He is referred to as a "hobogoblin" at one point in the play which is not anywhere related to the term of  "fairy."

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